Book Tag: Spring Time, Cozy Time


This tag is so cute and fun, and I’m really excited to do this. I’m already feeling more cozy and relaxed. Prompts for this tag are based on spring essentials: rainy days, cozy blankets, and spring TBR!

Here are the rules:

  1. Thank the person who nominated you — Thank you, Leah! I can always count on you for fun tags, lol! You can find her answers at Leah’s Books and Cooks and you should definitely follow her!
  2. Give credit to the original creator of the tag (Kate at Cover to Cover Book Blog).
  3. Link back to the original post (here)!
  4. Nominate other bloggers who need some cozy in their life!
  5. You DO NOT have to wait for a nomination to do this tag! Nominations are optional.
  6. Link your post in the Master Linkey so others can see it!
  7. Finally … link your posts in the comments! It’s not a rule, but I want to see them!

Rainy days — a great cozy read while a storm is pounding away

wickeddeepThe Wicked Deep by Shea Ernshaw

I wouldn’t call this a “cozy” read necessarily (I guess it depends on your definition of cozy), but it was the first one I thought of. This book takes place in a town on the Oregon Coast in late Spring, and it’s almost always raining. As a lifelong resident of the PNW I can attest to the accuracy. It’s also a ghost story, which has a particular kind of coziness.

Thunderstorm — a book that surprised you

The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison

This is a book that I don’t think I would have picked up on my own, at least not at the time that I first read it. It was assigned for one of my classes in college and I’m so, so glad. This book is heartbreakingly beautiful and became one of my favorites of all time.

Birds are chirping — a book about music

This is Your Brain on Music by Daniel Levitin

One of my favorite science nonfiction books I’ve ever read, Levitin’s look at the neuroscience behind why music affects us the way it does is both fascinating and accessible. I’d recommend it for fans of Oliver Sacks, psychology, and, of course, music.

Here’s Levitin giving a talk on the topic at a Chicago conference in 2015:

Cozy blanket — a book that never gets old

I Capture the Castle by Dodie Smith

I have several books that are “comfort reads” for me, but this one feels especially Spring-like.

A whole new wardrobe — a book with a beautiful cover

Dangerous Alliance by Jennieke Cohen

I mean, just look at it. The story is really fun, too.


Baby animals — a book featuring adorable animals

You guys, I don’t really read books about animals, I don’t know??? I guess the Winternight Trilogy by Katherine Arden has Solovey, who is a horse and also an actual, memorable character, but I typically don’t really notice the animals in books. Sorry!

Puddles — a book that was an A+ reading experience – one that was so fun to read (even if it wasn’t a total favorite)


Lost Stars by Claudia Gray

I’ve just started to get into Star Wars novels again after a nearly 20 year hiatus. I mean, I love Star Wars so you’d think I’d be all over them, but I always had so many other books I wanted to read, you know?

But the recent Star Wars novels that Disney is publishing have been fantastic in my experience. Queen’s Shadow by E. K. Johnston was great, and this one by Claudia Gray was a really fun ride. it’s a YA adventure/romance set against the backdrop of the original Star Wars trilogy. I’ll definitely reread this one.

Candy — favorite books featuring a sweet, soft romance

I don’t typically go for soft, sweet romances in books. I gravitate more toward the tempestuous, rivals- or enemies-to-lovers type of romances that are actually the B-plots in fantasy or science fiction novels. Although Sorcerer to the Crown by Zen Cho does come to mind, and if you like that type of softer romance you should read Persuasion by Jane Austen.

Spring cleaning — a book you reread every year/fairly often

ThinkingWomansGuideThe Thinking Woman’s Guide to Real Magic by Emily Croy Barker

I seriously can’t shut up about this book. It’s just so good. I don’t know how I’m surviving until the sequel comes out.

Other books I reread fairly often are Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen, Rebecca by Daphne DuMaurier, Like Water for Chocolate by Laura Esquivel, and Uprooted by Naomi Novik.


Rainbow — your favorite LGBTQ books

An Unkindness of Ghosts by Rivers Solomon; The Fifth Season by N. K. Jemisin

I’ve made efforts in recent years to read more diverse books and authors, and I think I’ve done pretty well when it comes to racial and ethnic diversity, but one area I’m still looking to expand is in LGBTQ books. These two were the only ones i could think of that I’d actually read. Solomon’s book features a nonbinary protagonist (and Solomon themself is nonbinary), and Jemisin’s features prominent side characters who are gay and trans. Both books are excellent, but I definitely need to get some more LGBTQ fiction in my rotation, so if anyone has recs hit me up!

Also, here’s a book rainbow:


Early bird gets the worm — a favorite March/April new release you read or favorite 2020 #ARC you’ve received

BodyintheGarden (2)The Body in the Garden by Katherine Schellman

I was fortunate enough to read an ARC of this book last month. (A review is still forthcoming, I promise!)

This book also fit perfectly for the Fictional Hangover Reading Challenge that I’m participating in this year. (I was also a guest on the Fictional Hangover Podcast recently, and it was really fun!) The prompt for March was “a murder mystery written by a woman.”

This is also a historical mystery, so extra points!

Picnic — a go-to book that travels everywhere with you or one that you always have on hand

I have a Kindle, so I can take hundreds of books with me wherever I go. If I’m thinking of physical books that I bring with me a lot on trips or public transit, probably something by Jane Austen. She is my favorite author, after all, and there’s never a bad time to read her.

Declaring your spring TBR — list your three most anticipated reads for spring, and link to your full TBR (if applicable)

  1. House of Earth and Blood by Sarah J. Maas
  2. Kingdom of Copper by S. A. Chakraborty
  3. Dune by Frank Herbert

I also recently made a video about my physical TBR books and that’s on my BookTube channel.

If this sounds like fun, consider yourself tagged!


One thought on “Book Tag: Spring Time, Cozy Time

  1. The Wicked Deep was such a great book, and I think it’s perfect for a storm read! I was considering putting the Winternight trilogy for the animal prompt too – I 💕 Solovey 🐎
    Awesome post!!

    Liked by 1 person

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